When Is It Time to Sell Your Health Club or Gym?
Owners of Health Clubs and Gyms all reach a point in the history of their enterprise when it is time to “hang it up.” Many factors will tell you when it is time:
♦ Gym Owner’s “burn out” Owner’s or key employee’s health problems
♦ Business relocation or rerouting of expressways
♦ Lease expires and you do not want to renew for another term
♦ Changing technology Get estate in order
♦ Not interested in investing long-term capital
♦ Children do not want to enter family gym business
♦ Under-capitalized
♦ Largest accounts in financial difficulty
♦ Bank unwilling to renew credit lines for gym financing
♦ Supplier and gym vendor problems
♦ Staff problems
♦ Gym member’s habits changing
♦ Seeks retirement
♦ Wants to cash out and go fishing
Whatever the reason, you will need to plan an orderly transition to new ownership with less involvement on your part. For a confidential conversation, contact me now at fmconsulting.net/contact or call/text 214–629–7223 and I will get right back with you.
Now, we have three different ways we can potentially help you.
1. For gyms that are profitable (usually 20% margins) and with clean books, we can have one of our brokers contact you for a potential marketing and listing of your business.
2. If your gym is not profitable at this time and you want to maximize your opportunity, many clubs will employee our consulting services to help build their club back up before trying to sell and to ensure a maximum return on investment.
3. Regardless of the circumstances of your gym, you may choose to list it yourself and do a “for sale by owner.” You can register at fmconsulting.net/gymsforsale and fee is $149.00 for 3 months.
Please let me know where you see yourself and I will get you with the right person. Call/text 214–629–7223 or fmconsulting.net/contact
Thank you.
An Outsourced CEO, Jim Thomas is the founder and president of Fitness Management USA Inc., a management consulting, turnaround and brokerage firm specializing in the gym and sports industry. With more than 25 years of experience owning, operating and managing clubs of all sizes, Thomas lectures and delivers seminars, webinars and workshops across the globe on the practical skills required to successfully to overcome obscurity, improve sales, build teamwork and market fitness programs and products. In addition, his company will buy gym equipment from gyms liquidating or closing. Visit his Web site at:www.fmconsulting.net orwww.jimthomasondemand.com.